S.S Cornish

 The Sunshine Shoney!

 It's amazing how quickly being here soothes my soul. I can't explain the overwhelming happiness and warming feeling I get when I come to Cornwall!

I was born in Truro and even though my family is all here, I only spent a short amount of time here as a baby. I always feel like this is 'Home'. The sea air, the chilled out atmosphere, 'hippy' life and being miles away from everything just makes me happy. People don't judge you here and there's less stresses of modern day life. Now my partner has a love for Cornwall I hope we will visit much more often. The dream would be to move here and be closer to my family and new baby cousins! But our life is currently up North. Maybe when we retire!


Photo: Shona McLoughlin Photography (me)
 I've taken so many pictures already, which I can't wait to share with you! Tomorrow we are going to visit Trebah Gardens as I've heard its very beautiful.

More soon! 
